When shepherding their clients feels heavy, financial advisors can lean on the Good Shepherd.
What pastoral skills should a financial advisor have to patiently guide their clients toward God-honoring financial decisions?
Neighborly love should be motivated by compassion, but it also must include the capacity to act in service to others. What does this mean for our investing practices?
How we invest can bear witness to who God is, what he loves, and what he calls us to. Tim Weinhold sits down with Amy Sherman to discuss how Christians can use their God-given resources to reflect him well.
This understanding of the Parable of the Talents suggests the master cares little about financial return, but much about whether his servants’ investments accurately reflect his character.
Creation care was the original assignment God gave humans in the Garden — something he has never rescinded. Creation care is also becoming increasingly crucial for successful investing.
Jesus teaches that our money says a great deal about what we value. Which raises a question: do our investments tell the story they should?