Beauty matters to painters, musicians, and photographers, but what does it have to do with investing? The creation accounts suggest that beauty lies at the core of faithful stewardship, and thus investing as well.
We cannot separate investing from morality—but how do we bridge the obvious gap?
Are investing decisions purely a matter of risk and return, or must we also consider them through an ethical framework?
Financialization is a corrosive movement that obscures the results of investment decisions. How can Christians resist its influence?
Jeff Van Duzer explains why businesses should prioritize people and product over profit.
Matt Rusten shares the stages of his journey from skeptic to faithful investor.
Our culture urges us to invest for our own betterment. Scripture urges us to invest for the betterment of others.
Recent theological thinking helps the Bible speak more deeply to investors.
Finny Kuruvilla shares how Christians should view and evaluate businesses.
How we invest can bear witness to who God is, what he loves, and what he calls us to. Tim Weinhold sits down with Amy Sherman to discuss how Christians can use their God-given resources to reflect him well.
Does faith-based investing offer any true value for the Christian? One man thought the answer was no, until he dug a little deeper.
Is the American idea of investing for a retirement of travel and leisure healthy? Does it even satisfy? Or is there a better way?